Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Current Event #7

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Wearable technology is the up-and-coming trend. Google Glass is the next innovation that will soon become available to more and more people. Google Glass is a computer in the form of wearable glasses. The glasses are activated by a head tip or a touch to the side. Google Glass glasses have the ability to take pictures, check your email, and upload everything to your Google cloud. They have an attachable visor to transform them into sunglasses when you're outside. Right now they are not available for people who still need their regular glasses.

Wearable technology is the future according to the main innovators. People one day will be walking down the street and in public places talking to their glasses to take pictures.

I think technology is great but sometimes it's simpler to do things on your own. Simple tasks might be cooler with technology but sometimes it's more complicated than is necessary.


Assignments W/E 5.03.13

1) T.A.T
2) Photo of the Week #7
3) Kenny Gram #7
4) Current Event #7

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Current Event #6

Associated Press's tweet was hacked causing the nation to panic. The fake tweet said, "BREAKING: Two Explosions in the White House and barack Obama is injured"The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed responsibility but there is no specific individual yet. The tweet was sent out at 1:07 p.m. and caused the Dow Jones average to fall 150 points in a matter of two minutes. The losses were regained shortly after the Associated Press announced they had been hacked.

People are on edge after the past week's traumatic events. President Obama being targeted and damage to the White House would throw the country into chaos. The AP twitter account has almost 2 million followers so the fake information reached tons of people in seconds.

I think big name social media accounts should be extra protected because of their responsibility to report accurate information to the general public. People in America today are still recovering from last week's disastrous events and if the fake tweet were to be true it would be another rough week.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kenny Gram #5

ILLEGAL! The rules do not care about how cute it is and neither do I!!!

Current Event #5

Can people actually get sick from technology? Those with the self-prescribed wireless sickness are called "Wifi-Refugees." Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) calls for complete isolation from wireless technology and that is why Greenbank, Virginia, has seen an influx in residents. The US Radio Quiet Zone bans all radio signals and technology year round. 

Many people feel like they're sick from the use of technology but they're not. People aren't sick from signals and radio waves because even when people aren't using technology radio waves are traveling through space. People definitely need to limit their technology use. Too many kids are glued to screens and games from a young age. 

I think Radio Free Zones are a fantastic idea because they are a perfect excuse to put the phone down. There was a study on 60 Minutes where they took five young women and took away their phones, laptops, and anything else along those lines. For a week they had to live their everyday lives without it. For example, one of the girls went to dinner and they had her friend purposefully come an hour late so that  she was forced to get up and mingle with complete strangers. 

Assignments w/e 4.19.13

1) T.A.T
2) P.O.W. #5
3) Kenny Gram #5
4) Current Event #5

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Current Event #4

Bullying is a national problem in schools. A Jacksonville teen has been banned from all Duval county schools because she is classified as a "serial bullier." Paris Cannon is only fourteen but has spent time in juvenile detention for her behavior. She beat her former friend and threw her head into a stone wall.

Nationwide stories are told of bullying and the traumatic effects. Bullying needs to stop. The judge is 100% correct with this ban. He has promised to keep schools safe and is helping to make kids that are bullied see that there is help.

Personally, I think more kids should see this article. Many kids that are bullied feel like no one sees it. Nothing is worse than feeling like you are the problem not the bullier because it seems like everyone likes them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Kenny Gram #4

"RAM CLEAR" said Mrs. Williams a million times this year!

Assignments W/E 04.12.13

1) T.A.T.
2) Photo of the Week #4
3) Kenny Gram #4
4) Current Event #4
5) Stop Motion

Kenny Gram #3

When this dies...your life at Kenny becomes solely about the hunt for four Triple A batteries.